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Module - III                                                           Indian Army in World War I and II

          Military History of the
              Colonial Era


                                          INDIAN ARMY IN WORLD

                                                        WAR I AND II

                                 India Troops under the British, participated in both the World Wars. As you have
                                 learnt that, the native Indian sepoys were organized into 'Regular Army' after the First
                                 war of Independence in 1857, and they trained and practiced the art of fighting under
                                 the British troops and officers. It was during the First World War that they got a real
                                 feel of the battle and faced the tough conditions of war. They were away from their
                                 homes and in foreign land, braving the difficult conditions and the cold weather in
                                 Europe and later in Afghanistan, Africa and Burma. Indian soldiers won many gallantry
                                 medals and were among the highly decorated soldiers. Their disciplined conduct made
                                 them favourites in all the countries they had gone to. It is therefore important to know
                                 the sacrifices made by our brave soldiers and officers who actually helped the allied
                                 powers win the wars.


                                 After studying this lesson, you will be able to:
                                      explain why the first and the second World Wars were fought;
                                      explain India's contributions in the battles of the WW-I;

                                      list the major battle of World War-I and
                                      assess the role to Indian army in World War-II.

                                  12.1  World War I

                                 For the first time in the history of the world, many countries took part in a major war
                                 that extended for four years from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918 and which
                                 affected several countries of the world as well. It was called the Great War or the First
                                 World War. Before we see why the war was fought let us see the countries involved in
                                 the conflict. These weres Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire
                                 (called the Central Powers) against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania,
                                 Japan and the United States (called the Allied Powers). It was a war on very large-
                                 scale. Thousands of troops were involved and a large number of battles were fought,
                                 which caused extensive damage, destruction of property and death of numerous civilians

                                                                                     MILITARY HISTORY
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