Level: Secondary | Subject: English | Book Name: English | Chapter: 18- THE LITTLE GIRL - 1143 views

Description: Kezia, the little girl, lived with her parents and her grandmother. She was very fond of her grandmother. Her parents spent very little time with her. Her father was a strict disciplinarian. She never felt comfortable in his presence. Besides, he never expressed his love for her. She was very scared of him. Once when she destroyed some of his important papers, he gave her a good beating. One day, her mother fell ill and so both her mother and the grandmother had to stay in the hospital. Kezia was left alone in the house. She was very scared to sleep alone. She had a nightmare; she got up in the middle of the night and wanted to be with her grandmother. Her father heard her screams, rushed to her room, took her in his arms and hugged her and put her to sleep. Kezia then realised that her father did love her and cared for her.

License- NIOS Copyright | Source- NIOS | Last Update On- 22/09/2020
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