Level: Secondary | Subject: English | Book Name: English | Chapter: 19- A PRAYER FOR HEALING - 1178 views

Description: The poem is set in the backdrop of the idea that man has overexploited nature through selfish and thoughtless activities. Such insensitivity has resulted not only in depletion of all natural resources, leaving the earth starved of all its riches, but has also impacted man’s own life. If we do not mend our habits, there shall be endless suffering that may also bring all life to a halt. Through this poem, the poet urges man to work hand in hand towards restoring the natural resources like water, fresh air, forests, etc. without which our life cannot be sustained. Man must try to conserve , safeguard , protect and restore all elements of nature so that he can live once again in harmony with nature and with each other. We need to develop eco–sensitive habits and all our actions should reflect our concern for humanity and for our children for whom we should leave a healthy legacy. Restoring nature’s balance will promote peace and harmony amongst all and will also heal the ailing planet eart

License- NIOS Copyright | Source- NIOS | Last Update On- 22/09/2020
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