Level: Secondary | Subject: English | Book Name: English | Chapter: 23- THE RETURN OF THE LION - 1161 views

Description: It is a play about Shivaji and his mother, Jijabaiwho ,in the absence of Shivaji, acts as Regent of the State. The reader gets to see how in this role, she controls her emotions and acts with intelligence and wisdom. One day, Jijabai receives a letter from Aurangzeb informing her that Shivaji had been killed. She does not believe that her brave son, the lion of Maharashtra, had been killed. She knew that Aurangzeb was in the habit of telling lies. She considers the news a hoax and tells her Mantriji not to disclose the news as it could dishearten people. When Mantriji tells her that there are signs of rising revolt and discontentment among the soldiers, she tells him how to satisfy them and their families to divert their attention and curb the simmering rebellion. In the second part of the play, Jijabai welcomes the three holy men who have come from North. They give her the news that Shivaji and his son Sambhaji have been arrested by Aurangzeb. When Jijabai asks for their blessings, on

License- NIOS Copyright | Source- NIOS | Last Update On- 22/09/2020
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