Page 6 - Lesson 13.xps
P. 6

MODULE-4                                                    Physical Education for Various Populations
           Physical Education
           and Sports Sciences
                                           TERMINAL QUESTIONS

                                 1)   Prepare a chart of exercises for teenage children.

                                 2)   Explain the health benefits of exercises.

                                 3)   Explain the term disability. Suggest the type of exercises for children will
                       Note           special needs (CWSN).
                                 4)   Why  is physical  exercise required daily? Support  your answer  with

                                 5)   Suggest exercise schedule for females working in offices.

                                 6)   List the exercises for children of 6-10 years age group.

                                 7)   Explain long term benefits of regular exercises.

                                           ANSWER TO INTEXT QUESTIONS


                                 1)   Kids should be given natural exercises.
                                 2)   It is not advisable to give weight training to the chldren.

                                 3)   Following exercises should be given to 5-8 years age group of children -
                                      follow the leader, headstands, indoor obstacle course, outdoor obstacle
                                      course, musical chairs, jump rope etc.

                                 4)   Yes, same exercises for girls and boys up to 10 years of age could be given.

                                 1)   Exercises for  older adult  age group  are walking,  slow jogging, yog
                                      calisthenics exercises etc.

                                 2)   Exercises for sedentary people are moderate to fast walking for at least 30
                                      minutes, own body weight exercises, light apparatus gym exercises etc.


                                 1)   Exercises for different female age groups are walking/jogging at moderate
                                      speed, light apparatus gym exercises, own body weight exercises, swimming
                                 2)   Physical exercise for females because they have to carry out daily house
                                      hold routine challenges so they need exercises specially for back and legs
                                      region to ease their routine work.
                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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