Page 116 - Book-1-373
P. 116
MODULE-2 Social Aspects
Dimension of Physical
Education and Yog winning, sports help us learn to deal with defects, it makes us to become a leader.
Development of national integration, sports competition, intramural, community
sports programmes in schools play an important role. The spirit of brotherhood
and friendship is fostered through games and sports, ideas, actions, reactions,
behaviours and human movements acquire a unity of colour and flavour at the
sports field. Physical education and sports develop the basic components of
integration such as co-operation, attitude, sympathy, friendliness, fellow feeling,
Note willingness, respect to others, co-ordination, motivation, tolerance, trust-
worthiness, integrity, oneness, and identification.
Mark the following statements as true or false. (T & F).
1) Sports can be a vehicle for national integrity ( )
2) Winning is the sole motto of sports ( )
3) The spirit of brotherhood and friendship is fostered through games and
sports ( )
4) Participation in sports has a social value ( )
5) Respect and tolerance can be learned from sports ( )
From the below given chart for ‘Agents of Socialization’, identify which
all socialization agents are influential in sports too. Tick mark your choices.
School relationship, reules, initial Peers
Grammar, Rules social interactions, Activities
Social Setting morals, role models, trends
Clubs/Social Groups Values, love for others,
Social interaction rules Agents of meaning of life, Guidelines
governing activites
Socialization on how to live
Ethnic Background
Beliefs Values Customs Laws, sense of security,
Sanctions of punishment
Work Media
Employment Money Stereo types
Rules Trends How
to act
Physical Education and Yog