Page 164 - Book-1-373
P. 164
MODULE-3 Awareness of Lifestyle Disorders
Holistic Health
In contemporary civilization, lifestyle technological wonders are a mixed
outcome, where concept of quality of life is new and exciting. World is evolving
fast in the past five decades. Stress has increased due to increased technological
and industrial growth. Lifestyles of people have changed dramatically resulting
Note in increase in number of obesity cases. Inactivity, stress, tension also increase in
the consumption of smoking, alcohol, tobacco etc. on rise. If we compare disease
with accidents and war, lifestyle related problems are biggest killer in the world
WHO defines Quality of Life as “an individual’s perception of their position in
life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in
relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns.” It is a broader
concept which includes negative and positive aspects of life with regard to
physical, mental and social environment of an individual. We can take an example
of an individual. He/she is a physically disabled person, doing job in multinational
company. We feels positive about her/his energy level, physical condition, having
good social support, support from company and colleagues etc. And another
individual having good fitness in the same company feels uncomfortable
regarding his social recognition, pain in body, thinking about physical appearance
etc. We can say that one person is having a good quality of life score, in an
another example, a rich person is not satisfied with his life and poor person
enjoy life with less money. In this case, poor person has good score in quality of
life. It is important how we feel about ourselves with regard to our physical
health, social relations, independence, environment etc. It should not be linked
with health because health is one dimension of the quality of life.
11.1.1 Dimensions of Quality of Life
Quality of life covers subjective aspects of positive and negative approach of
life. Quality of life covers a variety of domains including health, energy level,
working status, recreational aspects, social functioning, living standards,
happiness, emotions, expectation, judgments etc. but World Health Organisation
(WHO) forecasts six dimensions of quality of life.
Physical Education and Yog