Page 17 - Book-1-373
P. 17
Introduction and Historical Development MODULE-1
Concept of Physical
Education and Yog
the policy of the government to rely on the strength of the army in all matters of
defence. But the aforesaid experience showed that the second and third lines of
defence must always be replenished by recruitment from the general public. For
this a new integrated scheme of compulsory physical education was scheduled
to be put into effect from July 1963. The planning commission made a provision
for six crores and forty lakhs for the implementation of the new scheme. The
scheme covered all students from class VI to class X. Five periods of not less
than 45 minutes each were to be devoted to physical training. However, the
scheme failed to come into force in its true spirit. In 2018 CBSE made Physical Note
education a comulsory subject from IX to XII standard in Schools as
mainstreaming physical education (MPE)
Make a chart for regional indigenous games that originated in India.
1. Tick () the correct option.
i) Which age is famous for ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata?
a) Vèdic b) Nalandian c) Epic
ii) ‘Jainism’ and ‘Budhism’ are related to which historical age?
a) Vèdic b) Historical c) Epic
iii) Kshatriya are related to which historical age?
a) Rajput b) Historical c) Epic
iv) In which year was the YMCA college of education founded?
a) 1920 b) 1921 c) 1923
v) Who was the founder of Y.M.C.A. college of education?
a) H.C. Buck b) A.C. Buck c) C.H. Buck
2) Write the full form of NCC, NSNIS and IOA.
a) ............................................................................................................
b) .............................................................................................................
c) .............................................................................................................
Physical Education and Yog