Page 185 - Book-1-373
P. 185

School Health Programme                                                         MODULE-3
                                                                                             Holistic Health
            2)   Explain the goal of Health Education?




            3)   Explain the main four features of Health Education in School?

                 .....................................................................................................................  Note



            There is no stable pattern of school health administration in India as well as in
            other countries. Health of the school child is the main responsibility of the parents,
            teacher, stakeholders, health administrators and the community. The school health
            committee set up by the government of India in 1960 recommended that it should
            be an integral part of the general hearth services.

            Features of Organizing School Health Programme

                 In each school, a health council and health committee should be constituted.

                 Health committee should provide leadership and guidance to the health
                 education programme  in the  school, which  will assist  the welfare  of

                 The members of this council should include the head of the school, the
                 school medical advisor, health coordinator, various teachers, students and
                 parents’ representatives like school management committee members.

                 Every school should have a counselor,  trained teacher of first aid, nutritionist
                 or a dentist.

                 Medical advisor/doctor should be full time or part time in the school because
                 students need medical care and emergency care anytime.

                 Health  coordinator is most important and responsible person for  well
                 implementation of school health programme in school. He/she may be head
                 of the department, Principal and physical educationist.

            Physical Education and Yog
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