Page 28 - Book-1-373
P. 28

MODULE-1                                                                          Ethics and Values
           Concept of Physical
           Education and Yog
                                 Example: Shaking Hands: Shaking hands with the opponents after the match
                                 is considered as a symbol of good sportsmanship.

                                 “Suppose there are two teams who are going to play a football match. Before the
                                 match starts they shake hands with each other and also with the referees. Once
                                 the match is over they repeat i.e. they shake hands, give high five to each other;
                                 no matter which team has won the game. This is called the true sportsmanship”

                                           INTEXT QUESTION 2.1

                                 Fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningful.

                                 a)   Behavior and attitude that show respect for the rules of a game and for the
                                      other players is known as .....................................................................

                                 b)   The sports and activity can properly be enjoyed with ................................,
                                      ....................................., ....................................... & ...................................

                                 c)   .........................with opponents after the match is considered as a symbol
                                      of good sportsmanship.

                                   2.2    ETHICS IN SPORTS

                                 Ethics are the principles, basis or foundation of a set of morals and values that
                                 form the character of each person through action, into their way of being. Ethics
                                 is thus the behavior and ways of life through which individual tends to realize
                                 the value of the goodness. There are four key ethics in sports: fairness, integrity,
                                 responsibility and respect.


                                 Player as well as coach must follow the rules and regulation of their specific
                                 game. The rules must be applied equally to both teams by the referees; personal
                                 interest or biasness should not be seen in results. Any person cannot be eliminated
                                 of the basis of sexual orientation, gender or race. Integrity of sports is violated
                                 when player or coach use unfair advantage over their opponent.


                                 Any means and methods used by opponent that are against the integrity of game
                                 or sports spirit show lack of integrity on that person’s part. An example of football
                                 may give the clear picture, whenever a player fakes foul or injure during game,

                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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