Page 43 - Book-1-373
P. 43

Physical Fitness and Wellness                                                   MODULE-1
                                                                                             Concept of Physical
                 Fitness helps to strenthen the relationships with family and friends.  It also  Education and Yog
                 increases the opportunity for social contacts.

                 Fitness reduces absenteeism in offices, increases productivity, reduces
                 medical cost, increases networking possibilities, makes company energy
                 efficient etc.

            Physical fintess can be divided into two parts. Health related physical fitness
            and performance related fitness. A diagrammatic presentation of the classification
            is shown in figure 3.1 above.

            3.2.1 Health Related Physical Fitness

            This fitness is important for health and performance of daily functional activities.
            Components of health related physical fitness are cardiovascular endurance,
            muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility and body composition.

            a)   Cardiovascular endurance
                 Ability of the heart, vessels and lungs to deliver oxygen to the working
                 muscles and removal of waste products during activity. Examples are long
                 distance running, cycling, swimming, aerobic activity etc.

            b)   Muscular endurance
                 Ability of the muscle to exert continuous force against resistance or sustain
                 muscular contraction. Activities with low intensity and high volume (long
                 duration) are common like push-ups, sit-ups, chin- ups, rowing etc.

            c)   Muscular strength

                 Ability of the muscle to exert maximal force against resistance. Activities
                 having high intensity and low volume (short duration) are suitable example
                 like lifting heavy weight, 100 meter sprint, long jump, throwing etc.

            d)   Flexibility

                 Ability of the joint to move around in  full range of motion. It is an essential
                 component which  prevents injury and ensures  smooth and  efficient
                 movements. Women have more flexibility than men. Examples are toe touch;
                 in yog there are lots of asanas which are helpful in flexibility like Chakrasana

            e)   Body composition

                 It refers to the amount of fat free mass (muscle mass) and fat mass  in body.
                 The ratio of fat and fat free mass is an indicator of health. Excess amount of
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