Page 92 - Book-1-373
P. 92

MODULE-2                                                                       Psychological Aspects
           Dimension of Physical
           Education and Yog         Analyze the psychological factors affecting performance and

                                     assess the emotional and psychological impact of yog.

                                   6.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF ADOLESCENT

                                 A child passes through the different stages of growth and development such as
                       Note      infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Adolescence is the transitional
                                 period between childhood and adulthood. Adolescents are teenage. It is very
                                 difficult to say exactly when adolescence starts. However, adolescence stage
                                 starts from the on-set of puberty to the age of maturity; it generally starts from
                                 10 to 19 year. During the on-set of puberty there is a spurt in physical growth
                                 and appearance of sex characteristics which continue upto first 2 years and this
                                 phase is also known as beginning of adolescence stage. Onset of puberty in boys
                                 is marked by nocturnal emissions and in girls it is marked by first menstrual

                                 There are various changes that occur in adolescents such as physical changes,
                                 cognitive changes, social changes and emotional changes. These changes occur
                                 due to hormonal fluctuations in the body of adolescents. These changes are based
                                 on a uniform pattern but rate of uniformity may not be the same in all adolescents;
                                 it means all adolescents do not develop at the same time but changes occur
                                 during this stage. Some may mature too early and some mature too late. For
                                 example, the two adolescents of same age may not have the same height, weight
                                 or same intellectual talent but they will achieve their maximum height, weight
                                 or  intellectual development in this stage. The  characteristics pertaining to
                                 adolescent stage have been explained in detail given below:

                                 Physical changes: In this stage, the child achieves his/her maximum limit in
                                 physical growth. Bones and muscles achieve their final shape. Growth and
                                 functions of organs are at their peak. All glands become almost active. Height
                                 and weight increase and achieve their final shape. The succession of these events
                                 during puberty is consistent among adolescents, however the rate of uniformity
                                 in growth may not be the same in every individual. For this reason, it is difficult
                                 to find this period in chronological years. Additionally, the child is sexually
                                 matured and able to reproduce his/her own kids. Besides, the quantity and quality
                                 of hair increase on the body is related to physiological maturity of children.  The
                                 voice becomes harsh in boys and becomes soft in girls.

                                 Emotional changes: Emotions such as anger, love, fear, and happiness etc. are
                                 instable, intense, and an individual is unable to control them, and sometimes are
                                 irrational in the beginning of this stage. If things are going in a right way he may
                                 become happy. So, at the beginning of this stage the child is often irritable, can
                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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