Page 25 - Book-2-373
P. 25
Test and Measurement MODULE-4
Physical Education
and Sports Sciences
It is the collection of
information in It is the record of performance
numeric form. or the information which is
required to make judgment.
According to R.N.Patel;
“Measurement is an act or process that involves
the assignment of numeric values to whatever
is being tested. So it involves the quantity of
DO YOU KNOW? something.”
“Measurement is a process by which WE CAN SAY
levels of performance, fitness,
knowledge, personality and skill are
determined with the help of various
standard tests.”
Every Individual has a different quality, capacity, strength and weakness. It
helps to select appropriate learning situation according to them.
To predict potentials and future performance
To conduct a research and, prepare new norms and standards
To evaluate the teacher, coach and trainer and their teaching programme
and training method.
To evaluate the learner from time to time and find his or her progress,
weakness and current fitness status so that a learner can be placed in to the
appropriate training group
For the purpose of guidance and counselling of an athlete and motivate him
to do better
Physical Education and Yog