Page 32 - Book-2-373
P. 32

MODULE-4                                                                 Organization of Tournament
           Physical Education
           and Sports Sciences
                                                     KNOCK-OUT TOURNAMENT

                                   CONSOLATION         LEAGUE OR             DOUBLE
                                   1 & 2  TYPE        ROUND ROBIN          KNOCK-OUT        BAGNALL-WILD
                                 This    type    of  TOURNAMENTS         In  this type of    KNOCK-OUT
                                 tournament is  much  In this system a team  tournament every  This  type  of
                       Note      better than the single  has to  play  match  defeated team gets  tournament is similar
                                 knock-out tournament  with  all  other  another chance  to  to that of knock-out
                                 because loser  teams  participating teams  play with  the  tournament. In  it
                                 get another chance to  hence the number of  winner team.  teams are given first,
                                 play with other losers.  matches increases.               second,      third

                                 League Tournaments- In this system a team has to play match with all other
                                 participating teams hence the number or matches increase.

                                         LEAUGUE OR ROUND ROBIN TOURNAMENT

                                       Single League Tournaments             Double League TournamentIn

                                       in this single league tournament every  This Double League Tournament,
                                       team has to playwith every other team  every team/ Competitorplays
                                       only one time                         with every other team/
                                                                             competitor twice.

                                 Combination Tournament-This type of tournament involves a combination of
                                 knock-out and the league system depending upon the suitability of the activity.
                                                  COMBINATION TOURNAMRNT

                                  KNOCK-OUT CUM        KNOCK-OUT CUM         LEAGUE CUM          LEAGUE
                                  KNOCK-OUT                LEAGUE            KNOCK-OUT             CUM
                                  When many  teams     In this type of     In  this type  of     LEAGUE
                                  participate together in  tournament s, various  tournament,  the  In this  type of
                                  a tournament,  then  teams play matches by  procedure is reverse  competitions all
                                  teams are first divided  knock –out system in  of the  knock-out,  the participating
                                  into four equal zones  their zones and then in  cum league.  teams    play
                                  by drawing  lots.    second phase  winner                    matches within
                                  Consideration may    team  from each  zone                   their zone on the
                                  also be shown to their  plays  matches with                  league basis.
                                  previous performance,  each  other  on the
                                  if necessary.        league basis
                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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