Page 3 - Lesson 15.xps
P. 3

Module -V
                Cyber Warfare
                                                                                                    Warfare and
               (c)   Cyber Sabotage: Computers and satellites that coordinate other activities are   Its Types
                     vulnerable components of a system and could lead to the disruption of equipment.
                     Compromise of military systems, such as command and control systems  could
                     lead to their interception or  malicious replacement. Power, water, fuel,
                     communications, and transportation infrastructure all may be vulnerable to
                     disruption. The civilian realm is also at risk, some potential targets include the
                     electric power grid, trains, or the stock exchanges. Non-state actors can play as
                     large a part in the cyberwar space as state actors, which lead to dangerous,
                     sometimes disastrous, consequences. Small groups of highly skilled malware
                     developers are able to as effectively impact global politics and cyber warfare as
                     large governmental agencies.
               (d)   Cyber Propaganda: The aim of propaganda is to control information and
                     influence public opinion. Cyber propaganda is an effort to control information in
                     whatever form it takes, and influence public opinion. It is a form of psychological
                     warfare, except it uses social media, fake news websites and other digital means.
                     Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate
                     cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired
                     intent of the propagandist.

                     The internet is a phenomenal means of communication. People can get their
                     message across to a huge audience. Terrorist organizations use this medium to
                     effectively to brainwash people and also recreist potential members.

                       Intext Questions         15.1

               1.    Fill in the blanks.

                     (a)  ___________________ is the evolution of policies and procedures to
                          protect own information and information system.
                     (b)  The aim of ___________________is to control information and influence
                          public opinion.

               2.    Define cyber warfare.

               3.    What is meant by Cyber Crime and Cyber Security?
               4.    Mention the types of cyber threats.

                15.3  Cyber crime, Cyber Attackers and Cyber Weapons

               15.3.1. Emergence of Cyber Crime

               Let's take a look at the causes and how Cyber Crime emerges:-

               (a)   In this world of network centric environment there has been a phenomenal growth

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