Page 7 - Lesson 16.xps
P. 7

Module -VI
                Armed Forces in Peace Keeping
                                                                                              Armed Forces and its Role
                                                                                                in Internal Security

                       ACTIVITY 16.2

               Watch the documentary "Blue Helmets in Congo: Indian peacekeepers tackle multiple
               hurdles". Follow the link:-

                       What You Have  Learnt

                In this lesson, you have learnt that peace keeping activities create conditions that
                   favour lasting peace which is achieved through peace keeping operations.

                These operations aim at peace enforcement, peace making and peace keeping.

                Peace keep activities are carried out as per the charter if the United Nations -
                   which is divided into 8 chapters.

                All the peace keeping operations are based on three principles (a) consent of the
                   parties  (b) impartiality  (c) Non use of force except in self-defence and defence of
                   the mandate. You have also come to know the contribution of Indian Armed Forces
                   in the U.N. Peace keeping operations.

                       Terminal  Exercises

               1.    Explain the three principles of UN peacekeeping.

               2.    Describe any three operations to show Indian contribution towards UN

               3.    What is the difference between peacemaking, peace keeping and peace
                     enforcement operations? Explain.

                       Answers to Intext Questions


               1.    Peacekeeping refers to activities intended to create conditions that favour lasting
               2.    Post-Conflict Reconstruction is intended to develop economic and social
                     cooperation meant to mend relations between the belligerents.

               3.    (i)  Post-conflict reconstruction

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