Page 10 - Lesson 2.xps
P. 10

Concept and Evolution of Military Studies                                       Module - I

               •     British India changed the form of training army sepoys. The system of education  Military Studies

                     of soldiers was formalised. Regimental centres became the backbone of soldier
               •     British also started a number of military schools for basic education of children

                     wanting to join the army.

                       Terminal  Exercises

               1.    Explain the importance of physical education for the army.

               2.    Explain the meaning of  "collective Training".
               3.    Differentiate between Soldier training and unit training, followed in Medieval

               4.    Name any four schools started by the British for children.
               5.    State the benefits of games in military.

                       Answers to Intext Questions


               1.    (a)  It was a residential school;

                     (b)  The Guru and student stayed together;
                     (c)  Military related subjects was taught by the Guru.

               2.    Takshashila, Nalanda and Vallabhi schools.

               3.    Kalari.

               4.    10 years.

               1.    Mahendrasthana.

               2.    Dhanurveda, Nitishastra, Siksha (lore) of elephants and chariots


               1.    Maktabs and Madarsas.

               2.    (a)  Personal weapon(sword, spear, bow and arrow)

                     (b)  Horsemanship

                     (c)  Musketry

                MILITARY STUDIES                                                                                15
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