Page 4 - Lesson 3.xps
P. 4
Module - I Need of Military Studies Today
Military Studies
What we saw was just the impact of technology on weapons. As part of the
modernisation and changes in the armies, the organisation also changed. Some of the
new branches in the army were the Engineers, Signals, Army Supply Corps, Army
Ordnance Corps, Intelligence, Air Defence, etc. Obviously, each of these arms had its
own specialisation.
The soldiers and officers had to be trained to handle the role and responsibility of that
corps. Army, Navy and Air Force have to now fight together to win wars. This gave
rise to Tri-Service organisations and Tri-Service training.
Intext Questions 3.1
1. Name any three weapons of a modern day soldier.
2. What was the type of armies in the British Era?
a. Use the internet and see the link given to understand the history of weapons. of-
Download and print/draw at least two weapons each, used in ancient, medieval
and modern India.
b. From the diagrams given below differentiate between the skills that ancient soldier
had to learn and those that a modern soldier has to master to fight a battle.