P. 101
3. Maritime Security
Module 4 - Indian Armed forces : Weapons and War Equipment and
Weigtage : 20 Marks Study Hours : 48
The Indian Armed Forces have a variety of modern weapons and battle support war
equipment. The module aims at providing an overview of all the weapons and equipment
in use by the Army, Navy and The Air Force. It is intended to give an idea of the
weapon system within the purview of public information. No classified equipment or
weapons have been included in the lessons. While explaining the weapon, a brief of
the role of the force is also highlighted so that a correlation is possible, leading to better
assimilation. The future trends include modernization plans, the need to modernize as
well as glimpses of some weapon system.
1. Role and Equipment used by the Armed Forces
2. Modernization of the Indian Armed Forces
Module 5 - Warfare and its Types
Weigtage : 20 Marks Study Hours : 48
As a continuation of the lesson on conventional weapons, India's possession of nuclear
weapons makes it mandatory to have the theoretical knowledge of the potential of
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons. The lesson gives an introductory idea of
the nuclear reaction, its application as a weapon by the Armed Forces. The effects of
an NBC strike and NBC defence are highlighted with appropriate photographs and
videos for better assimilation. In addition, the new world of cyber space and its potential
as hard power is a must learn subject today. Basics of cyber space and threats, along
with necessary defence are enumerated.
1. Nuclear Warfare
2. Chemical Warfare
3. Biological Warfare
4. Cyber Warfare
Module 6- Armed Forces its Role in Internal Security
Weigtage : 20 Marks Study Hours : 48