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India-Pakistan War-1965                                                         Module - V

                                                                                                  Major Wars Post
               18.1.4 Indian Response
               (a)   In the early hours of 1  Sep 1965, Pakistan started Operation GRAND SLAM
                     with artillery firing across the cease fire line in the Chamb sector in Kashmir. The
                     plan was to capture the important towns of Akhnoor and Jammu. The first attacks
                     came in Chamb because it was a plain country with mountainous terrain on the
                     west and the river Chenab on the east. Pakistan used  armor and heavy artillery
                     in this area, whereas it was unable to induct heavy armour and artillery in the
                     area because of a weak bridge across river Chenab. In the intital attack Pakistani
                     army could enter 5 miles deep into India.

               (b)   On 2  September Pakistani aircraft started attacking Chamb-Jaurian road. This
                     was opposed by the Indian Brigade all by themselves without any artillery support.
                     The Pakistani tanks rolled into India without much effective opposition from the
                     Indian armed forces which did not have any heavy armed tank forces on their
                     side. In order to capture Akhnoor, Pakistanis fiercely attacked the Indian side.
                     Their next step appeared to be a massive thrust from Sialkot. Aim was to capture
                     Jammu and block the entire Indian army in Jammu and Kashmir including Ladakh.

               (c)   Meanwhile the Indian air force was called in. It was a quick decision taken by
                     Sh.Y.B. Chavan, Indian Defence Minister to give air support to the Indian army
                     in the Chamb sector. The Vampires and Mystere fighter planes of the IAF
                     attacked the enemy tanks, vehicles, and troops with maximum fire. 13 tanks, 2

                     artillery guns and 62 motor vehicles were destroyed. And it also stopped the
                     Pakistani attack. The Pakistani Air force was soon called out for counter offensive
                     action against IAF. Pakistan Airforce used the American made Sabre Jets F96
                     and F104 Starfighters. It was considered much superior to Indian Vampires and
                     Mysteres. It was also believed that the newly introduced fighter plane- the GNAT,
                     was not suitable against the Sabre. But the skills of the Indian pilots were so
                     great in the mid air attacks that Sabre aircrafts were soon shot down. The intensive
                     Air attack in the Chamb- Jaurian sector lasted from the 1  to 6  of September
                18.2 Which other areas did we fight the war in 1965?

               The Indian army launched massive attacks in Punjab in the areas close to Amritsar and
               Faridkot on 06 September 1965. Airforce played an important role in the attack and
               destroyed many tanks and aircrafts of the Pakistani forces.

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