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India-Pakistan War-1971                                                         Module - V

                                                                                                  Major Wars Post
               Field Marshal). Army, Navy and Airforce took part in the war as one team. Let us see
               them one by one.

               19.2.1 Air Operations

               A notable aspect of the war is that all three wings of the Indian military – army, navy
               and air force – were involved in a well coordinated manner on both the fronts. The
               Indian air force provided aerial support for the ground forces. The Indian air force  Note
               achieved complete air superiority at the Eastern front, as well as in the Western front.
               The aircrafts that were used by the IAF, were the MiG 21s, Canberras, Hunters
               besides, Gnats and others, and on the Pakistani side were the F-86 Sabre Jets, F104
               Star Fighters and others. The role played by MIG 21 aircrafts needs highlighting as it
               was used efficiently by way of continuous bombing and providing air cover for ground
               troops during the war.

                       Intext Questions         19.3

               1.    Who was India’s defence minister at the time of war?

               2.    Name the Chief of Army Staff of India during the 1971 war.
               3.    Who was the Commander of Pakistan’s Eastern Command in 1971?

               4.    Name the prominent fighter aircrafts used during the 1971 war.

               19.2.2  The Ground Operations

               (a)   Eastern Front: As you have already studied, the war took place on  two fronts.
                     Western front in the Punjab - Jammu borders and the Eastern front in East
                     Pakistan. Let us see the Eastern Front first. Indian Army planned and carried
                     out attacks into East Pakistan from all sides. Each arrow in the Map represents
                     an Indian Infantry Division.

                              Map 19.2: Indian Army Attack into East Pakistan
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