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P. 1

Smooth Transition


                           SMOOTH TRANSITION

               Between birth and the age of eight years, many significant transitions happen in
               education for children. By the time young children enter pre-primary and primary
               school, they undergo various changes and transitions. They might have attended
               some childcare center, playgroup, anganwadi, balwadi, or a preschool. Each
               child responds in a different manner to such challenges and deals with the
               transitions initially from home to pre-primary school and then from pre-primary
               to primary school accordingly. During this process, it is important to know whether
               children are having a smooth transition.  They keep learning to adjust to challenges
               and new environments.

               Beginning preschool or kindergarten is a transition that holds many changes for
               children. It is a situation of great change in which children have not only to
               move into a new environment but also adapt to an unknown and new setting.
               The time when children make the transition to school can be a critical period in
               their development because it can impact on their level of involvement with school
               and therefore affect their future attainments in education.
               A majority of children make successful transitions at different stages during their
               education. However, some children are more likely to find these changes to their
               daily routine more challenging compared with their peers. Those children who
               experience difficulties are more likely to come from vulnerable groups, for
               example from more deprived backgrounds or to have special educational needs.
               Children with poor socio-emotional skills, low self-esteem or low self-confidence
               may be particularly vulnerable during the home to school transition because
               they lack the skills that would provide them with stronger resilience to cope with
               new expectations of the new surroundings and social relationships. Children
               who might not have attended some childcare center, playgroup, anganwadi,
               balwadi, or a preschool have limited opportunities to socialise and manage their
               emotions. They may lack the competencies needed for a successful start and the
               ability to respond appropriately to the school environment and situations. A
               smooth home to school transition is important because research has shown a

               EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION                                                               163
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