Page 6 - LESSION 22.pmd
P. 6

Early Identification and Intervention

                                 Difficulty related to cognition

                                 1.   Trouble memorising the alphabet, numbers, days of the week etc.
                                 2.   Poor memory for what should be routine (everyday procedures)

                                 3.   Difficulty with cause and effect, sequencing, and counting
                                 4.   Difficulty with basic concepts, such as size, shape, and colour

                                 Difficulty in motor skills

                                 1.   Clumsiness

                                 2.   Poor balance
                                 3.   Difficulty with fine motor skills and manipulating small objects (stringing
                                      beads, tying shoes, buttoning)

                                 4.   Difficulty with running, jumping, or climbing (delayed gross motor skills)

                                 Difficulty in social behavior
                                 1.   Trouble interacting with others or playing alone

                                 2.   Easily frustrated
                                 3.   Hard to manage, temper tantrums

                                 4.   Has difficulty following directions
                                 5.   Distracted easily and inattentive

                                 6.   Impulsive
                                 7.   Hyperactive

                                 8.   Difficulty in changing activities or handling disruptions to routines

                                          INTEXT QUESTIONS 22.2

                                 State whether the following statements are true or false:

                                 1.   Early identification can significantly increases the social, behavioral or
                                      learning difficulties of children with disabilities.
                                 2.   Preschool teachers are at disadvantageous position to catch the early signs
                                      and symptoms of a developmental delay or disability.
                                 3.   Development in early childhood years is characterized by broad variability in
                                      rates and patterns of maturation.
                                 4.   Identifying is about recognising difficulties quickly and making prompt
                                 5.   Poor memory for what should be routine, is associated with motor skills.

          224                                                       EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION
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