Page 6 - LESSION 7.pmd
P. 6

Domains of Development

                                 Let us briefly study the stages of moral development as proposed by psychologists
                                 Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg.

                       Notes     According to Piaget, children’s moral development can be understood by observing
                                 their understanding of rules during play. He described children moral development
                                 through two stages namely heteronomous and autonomous morality.

                                  Heteronomous      Children believe that rules are universal, fixed and handed
                                  Stage             down by any external authority. They believe that rules
                                                    cannot be changed and anyone who breaks the rules will be
                                                    punished. Since children in this stage see rules as
                                                    unchangeable, they seldom show any flexibility towards
                                                    changing rules.
                                  Autonomous        As children grow older, their sense of morality moves
                                  Stage             towards more flexibility and they start believing in
                                                    everyone’s good. Children believe that rules are for the
                                                    benefit of all and if any rule does not benefit all, it can be
                                                    changed by common consensus.

                                 According to Lawrence Kohlberg, moral development takes place at three levels:

                                 z   The pre-moral level
                                 z   The level of conventional morality

                                 z   Post-conventional morality
                                 At the pre-moral stage, children learn right and wrong from the people around
                                 them. Their conduct is determined by external factors like approval and
                                 disapproval by authority figures or rewards and punishment. Thus, a child’s
                                 behavior is oriented towards obedience and punishment. As the child approaches
                                 middle childhood, the capacity to understand relationships and moral codes expand
                                 and it continues to grow in adolescence.

                                 At the level of conventional morality, children tend to believe that rules can be
                                 changed if they do not serve the common good of the society.
                                 In the post-conventional stage of moral development, the sense of right and wrong
                                 is decided by one’s own conscience and nothing can be imposed from outside.
                                 One may keep certain universals like value for life at the highest order of values
                                 and may also break a law for the same.

                                          INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.3
                                 1. Choose the correct option:

                                     (a) Theory of Moral Development (three levels) is given by:

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