Page 10 - LESSION 8.pmd
P. 10

Stages of Child Development : –Prenatal; and –Birth to Three Years

                                      leaving the room, the infant soon begins to realise that the mother exists
                                      even when she is out of sight. They start imitating actions at this age like

                       Notes          brushing their hair, pushing buttons on the remote control, or pretending
                                      to talk on the phone like adults around them do. Infants are able to look
                                      at the correct object, such as a toy, when mentioned.

                                 •    Language: Most infants at this age respond to simple verbal requests and
                                      understand words for familiar people and events. They become skilled at
                                      various gestures, such as shaking their head  to convey, ‘no’, pointing at
                                      something that they want to reach out to, or waving.

                                           ACTIVITY 8.1

                                   Observe a child in the neighbourhood of the age of up to six months and
                                   record the milestones of various developmental domains:

                                   Physical and Motor


                                   Language     WTH AND DEVELOPMENT DURING TODDLERHOOD

                                 8.4 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT DURING TODDLERHOOD

                                 The stage of life between one and three years of age is called toddlerhood. The
                                 growth and development of children at this stage is very rapid. Children want
                                 to be a part of whatever adults around them do.  As they become more
                                 independent, they insist on trying to do many things by themselves. They are

                                 probably interested in everything and everyone, especially if it is something new
                                 or different.

                                 Children show development in each domain such as physical-motor, language
                                 cognitive and social-emotional as discussed below.

                                 8.4.1 Physical-motor Development

                                 Physically, toddlers gain weight, height and their body proportions change
                                 rapidly in comparison to infants. Due to this, toddlers attain and practice gross
                                 and fine motor skills. The skills and coordination of toddlers increase manifold
                                 during this stage. They display their growing control and independence on their
                                 bodies in everyday tasks and especially when they play. Some of the milestones
                                 of physical-motor development that toddlers attain during this age are:

          112                                                       EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION
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