Page 135 - Book-1-373
P. 135

Introduction to Health                                                          MODULE-3
                                                                                             Holistic Health

              9.2 DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH

            Health is a multi-dimensional concept because it is shaped by biological, social,
            economic, psychological and cultural factors. Although, authorities in the field
            of health have recognized three closely interwoven dimensions of health i.e.
            physical, mental and social, however, recently a few more dimensions have been
            added viz. emotional, spiritual, occupational and educational.

                                    Figure 9.1: Dimensions of Health
            Physical Dimension

            Physical dimension of health refers to proper and smooth functioning of external
            and internal features of human body.

                 External: External features refer to the attractive appearance of the body,
                 whether it is physique, texture & complexion, features,
                 posture, body parts and limbs. It also includes graceful
                 carriage and efficient movement.

                 Internal: Internal features refer to the optimum functioning
                 of all organic systems of our body i.e. digestive, circulatory,
                 respiratory, nervous  and excretory system and  sensory

            Mental Dimension

            Mental dimension of health refers to mental soundness. Often mental dimension
            of health is linked to or includes emotional dimension of health,
            but both are different. Mental dimension of health is related to
            the functioning of the brain, while emotional dimension of
            health refers to the individual’s behavior or mood which is more
            or less connected to their hormones. Mental health refers to

            Physical Education and Yog
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