Page 132 - Book-1-373
P. 132
MODULE-3 Introduction to Health
Holistic Health
It is important to understand the meaning and concept of health. Now we will
discuss the meaning of health.
Health is universal in nature but all sects of society have their own concept of
health according to their culture. The strength of a nation lies in the health of its
Note people. The future of the people in respect to health relies, to a large extent on
what is done by the nation to promote, improve and preserve health of its people.
Happiness in life largely depends upon condition of our health. In the recent
times it has been observed that health has emerged as a fundamental human
right. Good health is required to satisfy our basic needs and to live a pleasurable
life. It is a global goal to facilitate a healthy life to all people.
Earlier it was believed that health is a situation of being ‘hale’. Hale means safe
and sound.
If you search meaning of health in dictionary, you will find results such as –
“freedom from disease”
“the state of being free from illness or injury”
“sound body and mind” or
“condition in which function of body and mind are duly
In Ayurveda health (Swasthya) is defined as “a well-balanced
metabolism, a happy state of being, the senses and mind” .
Swami Vivekanand said “a weak person who has weak body or
weak mind can never be a master of a strong soul” .
Aristotle has also stated that “a sound mind lives in a sound body”.
Recent researches related with health have been expanding its definition. The
concept of health has been extended and now it is not merely presence or absence
of disease. It includes the notion of wellbeing which contains biological,
sociological, economic, psychological and cultural wellbeing. This wide-ranging
concept of health has its origins in the World Health Organization’s (WHO,
1948) definition of health i.e. “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This
definition has been amplified and it has been added, “attainment of a level of
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