Page 143 - Book-1-373
P. 143

Introduction to Health                                                          MODULE-3
                                                                                             Holistic Health

                      ACTIVITY 9.4

             Search five people in your surrounding who are suffering from any disease or
             pain and write what could be the probable factor for that. For example, Mr. X
             in your locality is suffering from diabetes. The probable causing factor of this
             could be heredity or inactivity.

             S.N.     Name of the Person          Disease/Pain      Probable Causing            Note






                      INTEXT QUESTIONS 9.4

            1)   State any five health services which could be provided by the government.

            2)   Explain any two external factors which affect our health.

            You have learnt about health in the above sections, but do you know that in yog
            health is perceived in a different manner. Let us study what is the yogic concept
            of health.

              9.5 YOGIC CONCEPT OF HEALTH

            In yogic concept health is defined differently as compared to general health.
            According to Yogsutra of Patanjali “optimum health as a state of mind that is
            alert and in peace at the same time”. Here the “state of mind” is referred as “citta
            vrtti nirodha” which means elimination of the fluctuations of the mind. So from
            yogic perspective health may be defined “to achieve and retrain oneself in a
            state of yog where the mind is able to achieve its full potential and at the same
            time be relaxed”.

            Kaya-sampat is a term which is used in yog to describe health. The English
            translation of the term kaya-sampat is ‘wealthy body’. The kaya-sampat (wealthy
            body) includes four components which are as follows:

            Physical Education and Yog
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