Page 145 - Book-1-373
P. 145

Introduction to Health                                                          MODULE-3
                                                                                             Holistic Health
                 d)  Bala                          iv)   Wealthy body
                 e)  Vajrasamhanahanatva           v)    Healthy body structure

                      WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNT

              Health                  Principles in day to day       Dimensions
              Health is a                                            1. Physical                Note
              condition where         1. Get Fresh Air                  Dimension
              an individual is        2. Drink Adequate                  a) Externalb.
              physically,                 Amounts of Pure               Internal
              mentally, socially,         Water                      2. Mental
              emotionally, and        3. Eat Nutritious Foods           Dimension
              spiritually sound,      4. Avoid Tobacco               3. Social
              thus it is more             Products and Alcohol          Dimension
              than just being         5. Get Proper Sleep and        4. Emotional
              disease free or             Relaxation                    Dimension
              free from any           6. Regular Physical            5. Spiritual
              physical                    Activity or Exercise          Dimension:
              deformity.                                             6. Occupational
                                      7. Meditate and Reflect
                                      8. Think Positive and             Dimension
                                          Being in Control           7. Educational

                             Factors Influencing Health
                             1.   Personal Essence
                      TERMINAL EXERCISE
                             3.   Environment
                             4.   Lifestyle
                             5.   Social
                             6.   Gender
                             7.   Gestational and Developmental Factors
                             8.   Progression of Disease
                             9.   Socio-economic Conditions (a) Income,
                                  (b) Education, (c) Nutrition,
                                  (d) Occupation, (e) Health services
                             10. External

                                     Yogic Concept of Health
              A state where an individual possesses wealthy body (kaya-sampat) and is
              able to use her/his brain with full potential.

            Physical Education and Yog
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