Page 176 - Book-1-373
P. 176
MODULE-3 School Health Programme
Holistic Health
communicable and non-communicable diseases and improve the health and
wellness of millions of children. Hence sports activities, physical education,
yog and counseling facilities have been incorporated to reduce the daily stress,
which increase wholesome development of child. Successful health program
fortifies healthier educational outcome, improved social equity, improved learning
ability, cognitive function and school attendance among the children to handle
the tasks fully developed world.
Note The scheme of a comprehensive School Health Programme, conceived in the
1940’s, comprised the following major parts viz. medical care, hygienic school
environment and nutritious midday meal and health and physical education. These
major parts are important for the wholesome development of the child and hence
need to be included as a part of the curriculum.
Schools are in the best position to promote health by providing the latest scientific
information, forming and motivating health attitudes, and habits and by providing
opportunity for the establishment of desirable patterns of healthy behaviour.
School Health Programme empowers the stake holders, teachers, parents and
children. It deals with comprehensive school health problem and it creates
awareness, health promotion, school health care, child health care, assessment
and evaluation of child health. The School Health Programme covers not only
the students but also the teachers and other school personnel. It will check
student’s fitness level, eye check-up, dental checkup, physical pain checkup,
Psychological check- ups and put records in electronic medical records for health
analysis and diet consultation.
School Health Programme underlines developing healthy habits among the school
going children. School Health Programme is concerned with the schools and the
children in the schools. It focuses on the holistic health, nutrition of these children,
physical education, Yog, Swimming etc. This plays a major role in school.
There is dire need for effective School Health Programme in India because,
it is a requisite to improve both the education and health status of young
people throughout the nation, because 180 million young children are
attending nearly 15,00,000 schools. They are there for about 6 hours of
classroom time each day for upto 13 years of the most formative lives. More
than 95% of young students aged 5-17 years are enrolled in schools. It
encourages reducing the illness, disability, and death from common infectious
diseases caused among children.
Physical Education and Yog