Page 129 - Book-2-373
P. 129

prāńāyāma                                                                         MODULE-5
                                                                                                Yogic Practices

            1.   Sit on the floor with legs stretched in front. Fold the left leg and press the
                 perineum with the left heel.

            2.   The right leg remains stretched in front throughout the practice.

            3.   Bend forward and hold the big toe of the right leg with the hands. Exhale
                 while bending forward.
            4.   Raise the head upwards and let both eyes’ sight to be on the centre of
                 eyebrows. Inhale slowly and deeply.

            5.   Hold the breath inside and perform Moola Bandha.

            6.   Contract the throat so that air does not escape from the lungs.

            7.   Maintain this position with breath inside (Antar Kumbhaka) as long as you
                 are comfortable.

            8.   This is one round. One can practice from 3 rounds to 12 rounds.

            9.   To release the pose, exhale slowly and bring the head to normal position.
                 Stretch out the legs, relax the body and breathe normally.

            10. The same method should be followed with other leg.

            11. The attention remains at the centre of eye-brows during the practice.

            1.   Maha Mudra improves digestion, colic and cures the disorders of the

            2.   It helps to cure skin disorders.

            3.   It can neutralize the effect of toxins in the body.

            4.   It generates peace and helps in increase in concentration.

            5.   This practice makes the spine straight and enables the pranic energy to go
                 between Mooladhara and the Vishuddhi chakra.


            1.   Avoid during pregnancy, high blood pressure, disorders of the eye & heart

            2.   Avoid in recent surgery.

            Physical Education and Yog
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