Page 128 - Book-2-373
P. 128
MODULE-5 prāńāyāma
Yogic Practices
A. Match the Following:
1. Thumb a. water
2. Index finger b. fire
Note 3. Middle finger c. space
4. Ring finger d. earth
5. Little finger e. air
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word:
1. ……… is the most popular Mudra among hand mudras.
2. …….helps to balance the air inside the body.
3. In Gyan Mudra the tip of …… and ……..finger are joined.
4. Joining the tip of the ring finger on the base of the thumb is practiced
5. …….. and …… Mudras are used for weight loss and obesity.
6. ……..Mudra is beneficial for a lean and thin person.
7. Varun Mudra is beneficial in ……… and ……….
8. To get maximum benefits of any Mudra minimum of ……. Minutes
practice is necessary.
22.2.1 Asan Mudra/Postural Mudra
Mudras which are performed as postures are called Asan mudra.
Maha Mudra
Fig.22.9: Maha Mudra
Physical Education and Yog