Page 138 - Book-2-373
P. 138

MODULE-5                                                                             prāńāyāma

              Yogic Practices
                                 Moola Bandha- The Root Lock

                                 The Sanskrit word Moola means ‘base, root, and bottom’; Bandha means ‘restrain,
                                 hold, lock or closed’. It is also known as ‘root lock’. It is related to the subtle
                                 body. Its physical counterpart is the perineum muscle, which is located between
                                 the anus and the genitals and moves in an upward direction.

                       Note      1.   Sit erect in Siddhasana, pressing the perineum with the left heel.

                                 2.   Look straight ahead and take a deep breath.

                                 3.   Exhale slowly and as the abdomen contracts, close the anal sphincters tightly
                                      & continuously and then draw them upwards.

                                 4.   Hold the contraction for five to ten seconds or as long as possible without

                                 5.   Inhale slowly and relax the anal muscles slowly.


                                 1.   It tones the digestive system, reproductive organs, and perineum and can
                                      help women with painful periods.
                                 2.   Moola bandha essentially prepares for a spiritual awakening by activating
                                      root chakra.


                                 Perform five turns in the beginning and increase by one turn every week up to a
                                 maximum of ten turns for gaining the maximum amount of physical benefit.
                                 Relax for about five seconds between the contractions.

                                 1.    Avoid in high blood pressure, heart disease or any major diseases.

                                 2.    Should not be done in case of bleeding per rectum.

                                           INTEXT QUESTIONS 22.5

                                 A. Fill in the Blanks with appropriate words:

                                 1.   Bandhas are the …….. that are held by tightening and lifting of certain
                                      muscles of the body.

                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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