Page 140 - Book-2-373
P. 140

MODULE-5                                                                             prāńāyāma

              Yogic Practices
                                 2.   Which mudra is called King among all the mudras?

                                 3.   Write the benefits of Vipareet Karni mudra.

                                 4.   Explain the method of Maha mudra.

                                 5.   What is meant by Shambhavi mudra?

                                 6.   Explain the meaning of Bandha.
                                 7.   Describe the benefits of Uddiyana Bandha.
                                 8.   How many types of bandhas are included in Mahabandha? Explain.

                                 9.   Explain the precautions of Jalandhar Bandha.

                                 10. List the benefits of Moola Bandha.

                                           ANSWERS TO INTEXT QUESTIONS



                                 1.   Mudra

                                 2.   Hand

                                 3.   10 and 25

                                 22.2 A.

                                 1.b  2.e  3.c  4.d  5.a


                                 1.   Gyan

                                 2.   Vayu Mudra

                                 3.   Thumb and index

                                 4.   Surya Mudra

                                 5.   Surya and Linga
                                 6.   Prithvi

                                 7.   Dryness, Dehydration of the body

                                 8.   30-45
                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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