Page 67 - Book-2-373
P. 67

Hatha Yog                                                                       MODULE-5
                                                                                             Yogic Practices
            the structure of the body. These are known as nadis. Nad means flow. The mental
            energy travels along ida nadi which governs the left side of the body. pranic
            energy travels through pingla nadi and this governs the right side of the body. If
            these two separates flowing energies, prana and chitta are unified, it creates a
            suitable atmosphere for kundalini or spiritual energy, to awaken and ascend
            through the middle passage, sushumna nadi. This sushumna nadi represents the
            neutral force, the flow of spiritual energy.
            The awakening of kundalini is the subject matter of Hatha Yog. It is believed in
            hatha yog that at the base of spine there is a chakra that is called mooladhar      Note
            chakra. This chakra is a seat of primal energy that is also called kundalini shakti.
            But, this shakti is in sleeping mode here. This place is also called shakti meaning
            ‘prakriti’. With the practice of Hatha Yog techniques, union is brought about.
            With this union, the kundalini shakti  awakens and it starts ascending to higher
            realms of consciousness and finally it is established in sahasrara chakra at the
            crown of the head.
            When kundalini ascends and gradually reaches at sahasrar chakra, shakti reaches
            to the place of Shiva Shakti unites with Shiva, at Sahasrar chakra. This is yog or
            union of Shakti with Shiva. Sahasrara Chakra is the place of Shiva. So, yog
            means union of Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (energy). Shakti is kundalini
            energy, Shiva is the supreme consciousness seated in sahasrara chakra.
            Kundalini ascends though sushumna, not through ida and pingla. Sushumna is
            the highway for kundalini . It passes through various chakras, sometimes all of
            a sudden and sometimes very slowly.  When it unites with ida and pingala in
            ajna chakra, it is called hatha yog. Then after this first union it forges ahead to
            sahasasar chakra there it unites with the supreme consciousness, shiva. That is
            called yog, which means ultimate union. Therefore, the ultimate object of hatha
            yog is to experience yog. Swami Swatnaram aptly describes it in his book ‘
            Hatha Yog Pradipika’ that Hatha Yog is a ladder and Raj Yog is ultimate-
            pranamya shrigurumnatham swamiswatmaramen yogina.

            kevalam rajyogya hathvidyopdisyate 11(1/2 HP) means, first prostrating his guru,
            swamiswatmaram instructs the knowledge of hatha yog only for raja yog the
            highest state of yog.

                      INTEXT QUESTIONS 18.2

            Mark as True or False-
            i)   Ha means ‘sun’ and Tha means ‘moon’.                            (       )

            ii) The moon is the physical energy of chitta.                       (       )

            iii) Sushumna nadi represents the neutral force, the flow of         (       )
                 spiritual energy.

            Physical Education and Yog
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