Page 72 - Book-2-373
P. 72
MODULE-5 Hatha Yog
Yogic Practices
past mental impressions. It fact this is the animal consciousness level. By its
purification the animal nature is transcended.
Manipur Chakra
The word mani means gem and pur means city. Hence, Manipur means city of
jewels. It is located in the spine just behind navel. It is a place of fire element. So
it is a fire centre. This chakra is depicted as bright yellow lotus with ten petals. It
Note is a place of vitality and energy. It is the centre of self assertion, dynamism,
dominance, ambition and the will and ability to rule.
This chakra is mainly related to the vital process of digestion and food metabolism.
It governs the functioning of gastric glands, the pancreas, gall bladder, which
secrete enzymes, acids and juices necessary for the digestion and absorption of
nutrients. A very important gland in our body adrenal is also associated with this
chakra. This gland is responsible for secreting adrenaline into the blood during
emergency. It speeds up all physiological processes making the mind sharp and
Anahata Chakra
The literal meaning of the word anahata is unstruck. All sounds in this world is
produced by striking together of two objects which set up vibrations or sound
waves. But, that sound which is not obtained by striking two objects together
and which is beyond this material world, is called anahad nada. This chakra is
located in the spine behind heart. This chakra is symbolized by a blue lotus with
twelve petals. This is manifested by vayu tattava or air element. It is also linked
with the sense of touch, emotions, ranging from the narrow attachment of jealousy
to unconditional love. With the purification of this chakra the feeling of universal
acceptance is achieved and patience and tolerance in increases.
On the physical level, anahata is associated with the heart and lungs, and the
circulatory and respiratory system. This is the symbol of jiwatma.
Vishuddhi Chakra
The word vishuddhi is a Sanskrit word. There is prefix ‘vi’ in the word shuddhi
means purification. Vi is an adjective which means special. Therefore vishuddhi
means specially pure. It is located in the spine behind neck. It is symbolized by
a violet lotus with sixteen petals. It is linked with akash tattava, the ether element.
Right understanding and discrimination develop at vishuddhi chakra. It is a place
of wisdom, where person has the quality to accept the duality of up-down, profit
loss and good bad.
At the physical level it is associated with ears, vocal cords, thyroid, larynx and
parathyroid gland. This centre is the place where the divine nectar called amrita,
Physical Education and Yog