Page 79 - Book-2-373
P. 79
Shatkarma MODULE-5
Yogic Practices
3) Neti
4) Trataka
5) Nauli
6) Kapalbharti
Above these six actions in Hath Yog are called purification practices.
Dhauti karma is the first procedure described in ShatKarma. ‘Dhauti’ is a Sanskrit
word which means- ‘Washing or cleaning’. In Gherand a Samhita four types of
Dhauti have been described, which are: AntarDhauti, DantaDhauti, HridDhauti,
and Moolshodhan.
Table No.2.1: Table Showing Types of Dhauti
Antardhauti Dantadhauti Hriddhauti Moolshodhan
Vaatsaar Dantmool Dand -
Vaarisaar Jihvamool Vaman(Kunjal) -
(Shankh prakshalana)
Vahnisaar Karnrandhra Vastra -
Vahishkrit Kapalrandhra - -
In Hatha Yog Pardipika Vastra Dhauti and Gajkarni have been mentioned under
the Dhauti Karma.
In terms of practice here we will discuss Vaman Dhauti (Kunjal) in detail.
Vaman Dhauti is commonly known as Kunjal. This cleanses the mouth, food
pipe and stomach. It is the most commonly practised procedure. This practice
should be done in the early morning with empty stomach. In this Kriya drink
saline (salt) lukewarm water until the feeling of vomiting starts.
Pre and Post preparation and Discipline:
This kriya should be done after defecation (clearing the bowels).
The kunjal Kriya is carried out in the early morning with empty stomach.
Clean the hands and cut the nails before Kunjal.
Keep the jug and glass near to you.
Mix saindha namak (rock salt) into lukewarm water as told (procedure
given below).
Physical Education and Yog