Page 78 - Book-2-373
P. 78
MODULE-5 Shatkarma
Yogic Practices
According to the Hath Yog and Ayurveda all our diseases occur due to the
imbalance of tri-dosha i.e Vata (air element), Pitta (fire element) and Kapha
(earth element). Hath Yog says that you need not take medicines to get rid of
your diseases as these may have many side-effects. In order to avoid these
medicines one can do Shat Karma as it balances all the five elements i.e. air,
fire, earth, water and space of our body and make us physically fit which enables
you to practise higher level of yog like Asana, Pranayam, Dharna and Dhyan
Note etc. Shat-Karma creates harmony between the two major pranic flows- Ida Nadi
(via left nostril) and Pingala Nadi (via right nostril). This way it helps in attaining
physical cleaning and also keeps a balance between these two Nadis, which in
turn helps to open the entry point of Sushumna Nadi- a gate way of Kundlini
Shakti-the ultimate aim of Hath yog. But, remember one thing that it should be
practised under guidance of expert.
1) Complete the sentence to make them meaningful.
a) Shatkarma procedure is mainly for ..........................................................
b) Cleansing practice of specific bodily organs is ........................................
c) According to ............................................... and Ayurveda all our
diseases occur due to the imbalance of ...............................................
d) In order to avoid medicines one can do ...................................................
as it balances ......................
e) Shatkarma creates harmony between the two major pranic flows
..................... and ............................................
Shatkarma is a purification process of the body in the context of Yog. As we
have studied above that there are six cleansing procedures in ShatKarma. They
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Shatkarma are as follows -
1) Dhauti
2) Basti
Physical Education and Yog