Page 91 - Book-2-373
P. 91

Asana                                                                            MODULE-5
                                                                                               Yogic Practices



            In the previous lessons, you have studied the spiritual component of physical
            education and Hatha Yog. We have discussed the effect and benefits of Hatha
            Yog also.  It is clear that yog plays an important role in physical fitness, mental
            harmony, emotional balance, spiritual and moral values or overall personality
            development. ‘Asana’ is the third important ladder of Ashtanga Yog in the
            Patanjali Yogsutra. It is essential that we should  perform the Yogic Sukshma
            Vyayama before practicing of Asana. Because Yogic SukshmaVyayama prepares
            our body  for practicing of Asana. It provides physical stability and firmness
            which makes the body strong and healthy. In this unit we will study about
            Yogasana and their different types, importance and need.


            After studying this lesson you will be able to:

                 explain the asana and its importance;
                 describe the preparatory practices i.e. Sukshma Vayayam;

                 explain the practice of Surya-namaskar and
                 classify the asana.

              20.1 ASANA

            First of all we should know about the meaning of Asana. Asana means to sit.
            Asana is a stable and comfortable posture. The word Asana is generally used for
            a mat also. But in Yog, Asana is meant for posture which has a more important
            place in Yog Practices.

            Maharshi Patanjali was a great seer who introduced and compiled Yog in a
            systematic way to the world.  He has defined Asana in an easy way in his treatise

             ‘Sthirasukhamasanam”  fLFkjlq[keklue~ (2/46 P.Y.S)

            Physical Education and Yog
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