Page 92 - Book-2-373
P. 92
MODULE-5 Asana
Yogic Practices
The meaning of this is ‘to remain steady with ease is Asana
or posture. Here we should know that the meaning of Asana
is a meditative pose like Sukhasana, Padmasana,
Siddhasana etc. But in Hatha Yog Practices other form of
postures are also considered as Asana.
Fig. 20.1
Fig. 20.2 Fig. 20.3
The purpose of an asana in Patanjali yog is to balance the different nerve impulses,
feeling of pain and pleasure. Asana is an important part of hath yog. It is a
specific body position which opens the energy channels and psychic centers.
In Hatha Yog, it is strongly believed that the practice of Asana gives control
on our body and mind is, therefore, automatically controlled.
Here you should definitely understand that when one practices asana, steadiness
develops and prana moves freely. When prana moves freely, the body also
becomes supple and the toxins are removed from the system. The yogic scriptures
say that altogether there are 84,00,000 of asanas, as many asanas as forms of
life. We can also find a progressive evolution from the simplest form of life to
the complex. But among 84,00,000 asanas, 84 are considered important and
only 32 Asana are discussed in detail. These can be seen in Gherand Sahinta.
Importance of Asana
Asanas are very important for us in our life. They provide :
physical stability
Physical Education and Yog