Page 2 - Practical 18
P. 2
Practical Manual
Fig. 18.1: Tadasana
• This completes one round. Practice 10-15 rounds.
• Breathing – The breath should be synchronized with the raising and lowering
of the arms.
• Awareness – Synchronize movements with the breath, maintaining balance
and stretching of the whole body.
Hasta Uttanasana
• Stand erect with the feet together and balance the body weight equally on
both the feet. Outstretched the hands in front of the body and relax whole
body. This is the starting pose.
• Inhale and slowly raise the arms above the head and at the same time bend the
head slightly backward . Breath in more and spread the arms out to the sides
so that they form a straight line at shoulder level .
• Exhale and reverse the movements synchronize with the breath .
• This is one round and repeat it 5 to 10 times
Awareness: On the movements synchronized with the breath and the expansion
of the lungs
• It develops physical and mental balance.
Physical Education and Yog