Page 2 - Practical 19
P. 2

Practical Manual


                                                             Fig. 19.1: Bhujangasana

                                  •   To return to the starting position, slowly release the upper back, lower the
                                      navel, chest, shoulder and finally the forehead to the floor, relax lower back.
                                      This is one round and practice 3 to 5 rounds.

                                      Breathing – Inhale while raising the torso, breath normally at the final positions
                                      and exhale while lowering the torso.


                                  People suffering from peptic ulcer, hernia, hypertension, hyperthyroidism should
                                  perform under expert guidance.


                                  This asana is good to relocate slipped disc, removes back pain and keep spine
                                  healthy. It stimulates the appetite, manages constipation and is beneficial for all
                                  the abdominal organs especially liver and kidney.

                                  2. Ardha Salabhasana (Haly Locust Pose)

                                  •   Lie flat on the stomach with hands under the thighs, both legs straight
                                      throughout the practice. Chin on the floor slightly stretched forward

                                  •   With the help of back muscle, raise the left leg as high as possible but don’t
                                      bend the knees. Other leg should be straight, relaxed and in contact with the
                                      floor. Do not tilt or twist the pelvis. Hold the position for comfortable length
                                      of time without strain.

                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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