Page 2 - Practical 25
P. 2

Practical Manual


                                                        Fig. 25.1: Nadishodhan Pranayama

                                  •   Try to maintain a ratio of 1: 1 of inhalation and exhalation.

                                  •   Ten to fifteen rounds.

                                  Technique 2 - Inner retention 1:1:1

                                  •   Starting pose and breathe in as mentioned in technique 1.

                                  •   At the end of inhalation, close both nostrils and do inner breath retention.

                                  •   Exhalation should be smooth and controlled and of the same length as
                                  •   Maintain ratio breath in: inner retention: breathe out as 1:1:1.

                                  Technique 3 - The final ratio

                                  •   Maintain the ratio of inhalation: inner retention: exhalation: as 1:4:2.

                                  Note: Each technique should be practiced for minimum 6 months. The full benefits
                                  of this practice are obtained by systematically perfecting each level rather than
                                  struggling with the advanced technique. Awareness should be on alternate nostril
                                  breathing and centre of the eye brows.

                                  Benefits: Nadi Shodhana ensures that the whole body is nourished by an extra
                                  supply of oxygen. It clears pranic blockages and balances Ida, Pingala and
                                  Sushumna nadi resulting in spiritual awakening. This is a balancing pranayam. It
                                  balances both the hemispheres of the brain. It develops inner awareness and sense
                                  of intuition.

                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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