Page 1 - Practical 26
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Practical Manual

                                        Practical 26

              Tranquilizing and Cooling Pranayama

              These are soothing and relaxing breathing techniques.

              To perform the practice of Bhramari and Sheetakari Pranayama.

              After completion of this practical you will be able to perform and demonstrate the
              series of Tranquilizing and Cooling pranayama practice in appropriate manner.

              •  Yoga mat – 1

              •  Cylindrical cushion (1-2 ft length and thickness 10-15 cm) – 1

              Preparation of Yoga classroom

              •  The room should be clean and well ventilated.

              Preparation of practitioner

              •  Wear comfortable loose, light cotton clothes (Not too tight).
              •  Remove accessories like spectacles, wrist watches, belt etc before practice.

              1. Bhramari Pranayama – Humming Bee Breathe


              •  Sit in any comfortable asana with the spine erect. Plug the ears with the thumbs
                 and keep elbows straight.

                                    Fig. 26.1: Bhramari Pranayam
            Physical Education and Yog
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