Page 2 - Practical 26
P. 2

Practical Manual

                                  •   Breathing: Inhale fully from both the nostrils. Exhale completely with teeth
                                      apart and mouth closed. At the same time, produce a humming sound like
                                      that of a bee. Do ten times.

                                      Awareness: It should be on the echo of the sound within the skull.
                                      Benefits:  This is the best practice for insomnia disorder and headache.

                                      This is good for relieving tension. It develops concentration and memory.
                                  2. Sheetkari Pranayama


                                  •   Sit in any comfortable meditative pose with the eyes closed and relax the
                                      whole body. Hold the teeth together; Separate the lips exposing the teeth. The
                                      tongue may be kept flat or folded against the soft palate.
                                  •   Breathe in slowly and deeply through the teeth. At the end of inhalation close
                                      the mouth, breathe out slowly through the nose in a controlled manner.

                                  •   This is one cycle. Practice ten to fifteen cycles. (It may be performed for
                                      about 40 to 60 cycles in hot weather. It should be done after asana or other
                                      heating yogic practices)

                                      Awareness: It should be on the hissing sound.
                                      Benefits: This practice cools the body and mind.

                                                           Fig. 26.2: Shetkari Pranayam
                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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