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P. 1
Modernisation of The Indian Armed Forces Module -IV
Indian Armed Forces :
Weapons and War Equip-
ment and Modernisation
India is an aspiring super power. To achieve its destined place among the elite armies
of the world it requires to modernise its armed forces. The desire to modernise is also
propelled by the continuous threat from its immediate neighbourhood.
The continuing clashes over unresolved boundary disputes with China and Pakistan,
terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, insurgency in the North Eastern states, the uncontrolled
menace of left wing extremism, and the rising challenges from urban terrorism has
further complicated India's security environment. To fight a modern day war it must
have modern day weapons.
After studying this lesson you will be able to:
• explain the necessity for modernisation of the armed forces i.e. Army, Navy and
Air Force and
• assess the challenges that are facing India in rapid modernisation.
11.1 Modernisation of the Armed Forces
Ideally any country should have 1/3rd of its military hardware of vintage origin, 1/3rd
should be state of the art and the balance should be futuristic. With an intention to
speed up the pace of modernisation of the existing military equipment many policy
decisions and actions have been taken to overhaul the entire war machinery of our
country. The focus is both on acquiring the latest military hardware from the international
market as also to manufacture them indigenously. We shall discuss each of the Arms
i,e Army, Navy and Air Force separately.
11.1.1 Army
The present security threat at our borders with China and Pakistan as also the pressing