Page 5 - Lesson 11.xps
P. 5
Modernisation of The Indian Armed Forces Module -IV
Indian Armed Forces :
Intext Questions 11.1 Weapons and War Equip-
ment and Modernisation
1. Ship-launched version of Prithvi-II is called the _______.
2. IAF is planning to phase out MIGs ___ and ____ from service.
3. The Apaches will replace the aging _____ attack helicopters.
11.2 Challenges in implementation of Modernisation of Armed Forces
You have seen how advances in science has improved the weapon system and fighting
capabilities of the armies the world over. Economy pays a major role in modernisation
of the armed forces. We have to balance our requirements to maintain and modernise
the armed forces with other development efforts. The major aspects that need to be
understood on modernising the armed forces are given below:
• A Military Strategy to address National Security- National security is
determined by the threats that a nation faces. Military strategy is the ability to
identity and respond to a threat. In olden times armies fought in battlefield. Today
there are terrorist, insurgency and cyber threats. The armed forces have to
modernise to face such threats.
• Economy - The country's economy is determined by the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP). The bigger the GDP the faster is the economic growth. Faster the
economic growth, quicker will be the modernisation of the armed forces.
• Adequate Budget Allocation - Defence is allotted budget every year as part
of the country's yearly budget. Modernisation requires a huge allocation since
modern arms and ammunition are purchased from other countries. This allocation
of budget depends upon the economic growth. India is now under 'Make in
India' project and is hoping to reduce dependence on other countries and also
save money.
• Research in Military Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber
Warfare - A portion of the defence budget is given to research and development.
A good research and development will make the country self sufficient in critical
technology. For this we must modernise Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO), and Defence Public Sector units such as, Ordinance
Factory Board (OFB), Bharat Electronics Limited, Bharat HeavyElectrical etc.
Intext Questions 11.2
1. India is largest importer of arms in the world. True or False
2. What is the full form of DRDO?