Page 5 - Lesson 13.xps
P. 5

Module -V
                Biological Warfare
                                                                                                    Warfare and
                                                                                                     Its Types
                       Intext Questions         13.2

               1.    Fill in the blanks

                     (a)  The BW agents are drawn from four primary groups of organisms called
                          (i) ___________ (ii) ___________ (iii) _________ (iv) _________.
                     (b)  ___________ is found in a certain group of blood sucking insects, such  Note
                          as fleas, mites, lice and ticks.

                     (c)  Incubation period is normally not less than ______ hours.

                     (d)  Certain bacteria, under unfavourable conditions, undergo change into a
                          state of inactiveness and are called __________.

               2.    List the essential characteristics for selection of any two BW agent.

                13.3 Means of Delivery of BW Agents and their Routes of

                       Entry into Human Body

               13.3.1 Delivery

               The BW agents may be delivered in a liquid medium called microorganism 'soup' or as
               an aerosol. The liquid medium protects the agent from excessive atmospheric drying,
               provides a degree of nutrition to the agent while being delivered to the target and
               protects the agent during the transition from liquid to aerosol state. The various modes
               of delivery of BW agents are:-

               (a)   Vectors: The use of animals or insects, known as 'vectors' is used for the delivery
                     of microorganisms. However, in a BW attack, vectors cannot be relied upon to
                     behave in a predictable and concerted manner.
               (b)   Explosive Munitions:  Explosive munitions normally consist of a small explosive
                     device, which is surrounded by the BW agent filled and enclosed in a thin metal
                     or plastic case. Each munition forms a bomblet within a full sized bomb or artillery
                     round. The bomblets are designed to disperse over a wide area when released.
                     On impact, the device explodes and disseminates the agent in an aerosol
                     suspension. The heat and shock of the explosion usually kills some of the micro-

               (c)   Generators: Biological agent generators normally consist of a container that
                     has a source of pressure, which replaces the explosives charge. When the
                     generator is activated, the pressure forces the agent through the nozzle device
                     and creates an aerosol. The generator does not kill as many of the organisms as
                     an explosive bomblet and is relatively quiet in operation.

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