Page 6 - Lesson 13.xps
P. 6

Module - V
                                                                                             Biological Warfare
              Warfare and
                Its Types        (d)   Spray Tanks: Aircraft can carry spray tanks containing a large quantity of BW
                                       agent and are capable of producing effective aerosol over extremely large areas.
                                       The working of spray tanks is like generators to create the aerosol.

                                 13.3.2  Routes of Entry

                                 To cause disease, the BW agent has to penetrate into the human body. This can
                                 happen through the skin and eyes, by eating and drinking and/or by breathing.
                                 (a)   Skin: Penetration through the skin and mucous membranes may occur, particularly
                                       if the surface is damaged. The NBC IPE (Individual Protective Equipment)
                                       affords some amount of protection.

                                 (b)   Digestive Tract: The digestive tract provides a route of entry for contaminated
                                       food and drink. This route has some limitations like the digestive process destroys
                                       many BW agents, chlorination and water treatment destroys a majority of BW
                                       agents, cooking at high temperature kills almost all microorganisms.
                                 (c)   Respiratory Route: The breathing or respiratory route is the most significant
                                       and widely used. In this method, the infective dose required may be smaller and
                                       the onset of symptoms more rapid than normal.

                                         Intext Questions         13.3

                                 1.    Fill in the blanks.
                                       (a)  The use of animals or insects, known as ________ is used for the delivery
                                            of micro-organisms.

                                       (b)  The ____________ route is the most significant and widely used for entry
                                            of biological agents.
                                       (c)  Aircraft carry ______________ containing a large quantity of BW agent
                                            and are capable of producing effective aerosol over extremely large areas.

                                 2.    Name the various routes of entry of BW agent into the human body.

                                         What You Have Learnt

                                 The lesson on Biological warfare has taught you the basic aspects of this type of
                                 warfare. Some important highlights of the lesson are as follows:-

                                 •     The basic terms and definitions used in the study of biological warfare;
                                 •     Types,  Essential  Characteristics  and  Selection of  BW Agents;  The
                                       microorganisms such as virus, rickettsia that are used as agents;
                                 •     Essential Characteristics of BW Agents and their selection for use in battle;

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