Page 6 - Lesson 4.xps
P. 6

Module - II                                                                           Armed Forces

              Structure and
            Role of the Forces   10. Pioneer Corps
                                 11.   Army Postal Service Corps

                                 12. Intelligence Corps
                                 13. Judge Advocate General's Department
                                 14. Military Nursing Service
                                         Intext Questions         4.1

                                 1.    Explain the meaning of three Ns close to a soldier's heart.

                                 2.    Name the place where Training Command of the Army is located. Explain its
                                 3.    What is meant by a Battalion?

                                 4.    Explain the role of Corps of Army Air Defence.

                                  4.2 Indian Navy

                                 The Indian Navy's motto is (' ka uks o#.k%) or May the Lord of the Oceans be auspicious
                                 unto us. It is bestowed with the task of safeguarding the seas that surround peninsular

                                 4.2.1 Role of the Navy

                                 There are four roles which not only includes war fighting at sea but increasingly disaster
                                 relief, rescue and humanitarian assistance.

                                 The Navy is not only mandated to exercise naval power against the enemy but also to
                                 defend Indian territory and maritime trade.

                                 Naval Diplomacy is an important role of Navy where it furthers international cooperation
                                 through joint naval exercises, and ship visits to friendly countries.
                                 Constabulary relates to the ability of the Navy to maintain law and order at sea by
                                 preventing crimes like piracy.
                                 Benign role - Though the Navy is a military unit it performs important non military
                                 tasks too. These include:

                                 Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief like shipping people away from troubled
                                 areas; transporting essential supplies to places affected by natural calamities like floods,
                                 cyclones and earthquakes;
                                 Search and Rescue (SAR) of boats and personnel in distress;

                                 Hydrographic surveys and mapping of coastal and ocean territory for other countries

                                                                                      MILITARY STUDIES
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